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pg电子游戏试玩, 成立于1871年, 是美国1890年所有赠地大学中最古老的一所.S.A. The university is committed in improving the standard of living of farmers and residents of Mississippi through teaching, 研究与推广. The university’s main campus is located in the southwestern region of Mississippi, 它属于亚热带气候. The 保护研究中心 Project is located on the main campus and crops are raised on Memphis Silt Loam Soil (Typic, 粉砂质, 混合, 热Hapludalph), 我的命令是Alfisols. pg电子游戏试玩 entered into a cooperative agreement with Natural 资源 Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United States 农业部 (USDA) in 1988 to conduct a special study of plant and residue parameter values for fruit and vegetable crops for erosion prediction models including USLE, RUSLE, 制造伙伴, wep, 等.营养管理和保护规划. 教师 members and scientists of the 农业部,1862年和1890年的赠地大学, 美国农业部/ nrc, 美国农业部/农业研究所和美国陆军参与了这项研究计划, 他们给农学研究生提供建议, 园艺, 环境科学, 农业经济学. As the Conservation Research Center applies the latest technology in erosion prediction models, 营养管理, 保护规划, students graduating with thesis work will have excellent job opportunities and great future.


Conduct C-factor (cover and management) research on horticultural crops for erosion prediction, 营养管理, 保护规划, 防止土壤侵蚀和气候变化

  • Perform conservation research on organic and no-till production, 水果和水质, 碳氮比和作物残茬管理
  • Enhance the farmers knowledge of 营养管理 from animal waste and plant residues thereby reducing the purchase of chemical fertilizers
  • Increase production and reduce material cost by application of organic manures (animal and forest waste) and avoid ground water pollution
  • Enhance the lives and lifestyles of farmers by increasing their net income


We provide sound leadership on crop production by applying the latest technologies while protecting the natural resources and environment based on state and federal policies.


We want to be recognized at 国家 以及国际水平 as a dynamic agricultural research organization that has the capacity to provide integrated scientific program required to support the needs of the swiftly growing population of the world.


Information generated from the research center is used around the globe for erosion prediction, 营养管理, 保护规划, 防止土壤侵蚀和气候变化

  • 在37种农作物上产生了超过13万的阅读量
  • Copies of the technology transfer bulletin on C-factor research, developed by the center in collaboration with 美国农业部/ nrc and 美国农业部/农业研究所, 被送到了1862年所有的图书馆, 1890, and 1994 land grant universities and also to other non-land grant universities offering agricultural science. Copies of this bulletin have been sent to all state conservationists in 50 states.
  • 论文80余篇, 包括摘要, 传单, 小册子, 和公告, 并在期刊和论文集上发表了文章, 发表论文50余篇, 国家, 以及国际水平. Entire data has been submitted to the USDA National Soil Erosion Research lab (NSERL), 普渡大学, 印第安纳州, 和美国农业部国家植物数据中心, 巴吞鲁日, 路易斯安那州.
  • More than 50 students have been trained and most of them have been hired by 美国农业部/ nrc
  • Technical notes on more than 30 crops have been published in collaboration with 美国农业部/ nrc
  • The center has developed conservation farming techniques to raise blueberries on heavy soils in collaboration with the Thad Cochran Southern Horticulture Research Laboratory
  • The center has succeeded in developing organic farming systems to increase the yield and antioxidant content of blueberries on heavy soils.
  • HBCU媒体倡导公司., selected the center as one out of the six best research centers of the 108 HBCUs in the nation in 2013.
    Dr. 恐慌’s speech podcasted by the American Society for Horticultural Science


  • G.K. 恐慌
  • S.C. 女子
  • P.E. 定义为
  • L.C. Huam
  • O.P. Vadhwa
  • F.O. 情况下
  • C.A. 西姆斯
  • A.H. Alhumadi
  • G.A. Weesies
  • J. 群
  • D.E斯托特
  • A. 约翰逊
  • J. 席尔瓦
  • F.B. 马特
  • J. 施皮尔
  • M. Manoharan
  • J. 加纳
  • T. E. 柯林斯
  • C. 蒂莫西
  • G. 萨拉查


  • 美国农业部/ nrc
  • 美国农业部/农业研究所
  • 密西西比州立大学
  • 阿肯色大学费耶特维尔分校
  • 阿肯色大学派恩布拉夫分校
  • 俄克拉荷马州立大学
  • 新墨西哥州立大学
  • 路易斯安那州立大学
  • 阿拉巴马州的一个&M
  • 西弗吉尼亚州立大学
  • 美国陆军